Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

CPR, MitID, NemKonto and E-boks




All residents in Denmark are registered in the Civil Registration System (CPR) with a CPR number. The CPR number is a unique number, giving you access to health care, to open a bank account, receive salary and many other things in Denmark. It is crucial to get the CPR number in order to proceed with most things, when you've arrived. Please refer to our checklists to see what steps you need to take and in what order.

You need to upload all information for the application for your CPR number online. You will need the following documents:

  • EU Certificate or residence and work permit if you are a non EU/EEA citizen
  • Proof of a legal address in Denmark 
  • Copy of your passport
  • Copy of your marriage certificate and birth certificates for your children (if applicable) 

Once you have uploaded the information, your application will be processed by the Municipality and once it’s been processed, you will receive and email saying that you can go online and book an appointment to collect your CPR number, at the International Citizen Service in downtown Copenhagen.

Read more about what to bring and how to get your CPR number.














The International House helps with getting the MitID, please download the MitID app and have a user ID and phone number ready beforehand.

Most people can create their own MitD using the app and the chip in their passport:

  • If you have a passport with a chip and have downloaded the MitID app, you can usually create your own MitID.
  • If you have an administrative CPR number, tax ID number, or applying for re-entry to the country, you can get MitID on the same day.
  • If it's your first time getting a CPR number, you can get MitID the next day (but there may be a one-day delay).

You can learn more about getting help with MitID here.

If you are a cross-border commuter different rules apply. In this case you need to book an appointment at citizen center (Borgerservice).  













All citizens registered in Denmark are required to have a NemKonto (Easy Account). A NemKonto is a normal bank account that you assign as your NemKonto. Your salary will be transferred to your NemKonto by the end of each month.





Salary statements are delivered as digital payslips. You can use for checking all public digital mail including your payslip. 

The University has published a brochure that explains your payslip:



Holidays, leave and absences




All employees at the University of Copenhagen are entitled to six weeks of holidays per year. The six weeks are in addition to the public holidays in Denmark. Foreign researchers can choose between two holiday schemes. On both schemes, you earn 2,08 paid holidays each month. You are always entitled to paid holidays, but how the holiday time is accumulated, differs between the two schemes.

Concurrent holiday scheme

As an international researcher you can choose the concurrent holiday scheme, where you earn 2,08 paid holidays each month, which you can spend as you accumulate it. It is similar to most holiday systems outside Denmark. There are a few eligibility criteria:

  • Non-Danish citizenship
  • Employed in a research position (both fixed-termed and permanent positions)
  • Not already on the normal holiday scheme
  • Maximum 5 years on this scheme








In general, when employed at the University of Copenhagen, you are entitled to paid sick time. However, the university can ask you to document your illness if you are frequently sick, or the illness is long term.

Child's sickness
As an employee in the public sector you have the right to paid leave on the first two days of your child’s sickness, if the child is under the age of 18 and lives at home.

Absence due to illness and requirement to participate actively in your PhD programme

If you hold a residence permit as PhD student, it is a condition for your permit that you must participate actively in your education. If you are absent due to illness you must inform HR and ISM, so we can discuss possible solutions if you are no longer actively studying in your educational programme. As a consequence, SIRI can revoke your permit if you are not participating actively in the educational programme which forms the basis of your residence and work permit.




UCPH-paid days off

  • Danish National Constitution Day (5 June)
  • 24 December (Christmas Eve)
  • 31 December (News Years Eve Day)

Other paid public holidays

  • New Years's Day (1 January)
  • Maundy Thursday (Thursday before Easter)
  • Good Friday (Friday before Easter)
  • Easter Monday
  • Ascension Day
  • Whit Monday
  • Christmas Day (25 December)
  • Boxing Day (26 December)



It is important you inform HR and ISM if you are granted leave of absence without pay, as it can affect your residence and work permit status in Denmark. As a consequence, SIRI can revoke your permit.


Transportation and moving goods



The public transit system is quite extensive in Denmark and generally functions well. The public transit system in the Copenhagen area is covered by a one-ticket system, which can be used interchangeably for the Metro, S-train and buses. The electronic ticket card, Rejsekortet, is the cheapest way to pay for public transport, and can be ordered online at a lower cost for the card, or an anonymous card can be bought at some physical ticket seller locations.





If you bring a vehicle to Denmark, the vehicle must be registered with Danish license plates and you must pay a registration tax. You must also take out liability insurance before you can register a motor vehicle in Denmark.

Driver's License
If your driver’s license has been issued in an EU country or in Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, you will not need to exchange it for a Danish driving license. Driver’s licenses issued by other countries than those mentioned above must be exchanged for a Danish driver’s license at the local municipal Citizen Service Centre.




