Employee gets CPR no., MitID & tax card

All residents in Denmark are registered in the Civil Registration System (CPR) with a CPR number. The CPR number is a unique number, giving you access to health care, open a bank account, receive a salary, and many other things in Denmark.

The International House, where you will get your CPR no., will help you get the MitID. MitID is every resident’s personal key to digital services in Denmark, including self-service solutions provided by the public sector. In Denmark, your contact with the public authorities and many private companies starts on the internet.

Upon arrival in Denmark and for each year that follows, all regular taxpayers need to register a preliminary tax assessment (forskudsopgørelse) with the Danish tax authorities. In this, the expected/estimated income and expected deductions are registered, and a preliminary tax rate and the tax-free deduction are calculated. A tax card with information about the tax rate and monthly tax-free deduction is automatically sent to the employer, and in that way the preliminary taxes are withheld.

If you are eligible for the researcher taxation scheme, ISM will apply on your behalf, and you do not need to apply for a tax card.