International Dual Career Network Copenhagen

As a member of IDCN Copenhagen, you will have the possibility to participate in many events, workshops and courses. This is a great opportunity to either meet interesting people, receive information about working and living in Denmark or being actively involved in a dynamic network. 





IDCN Copenhagen was founded by the University of Copenhagen in March 2016. Four other organisations joined the initial IDCN Copenhagen Steering Committee: DTU - Technical University of Denmark, Mærsk, Novo Nordisk and Vestas. These companies recognised that international staff are more likely to stay long term when their partners and families become a valued part of the community. For most spouses this means finding gainful employment. We estimate that there are 10,000 unemployed spouses in the Copenhagen region. IDCN Copenhagen has grown rapidly and we now have 22 Corporate Members. Our members are very diverse in what they do, which is great news for our partner members.

The IDCN network is active all around the world! Click here to see a list of the countries where the IDCN is active.



Are you an international spouse in Copenhagen looking to expand your network and in need of some professional career counselling in your job search? As a volunteer member of IDCN Copenhagen, you will have the opportunity to:

  • enrich your transferable skills and obtain new skills
  • expand your personal and professional network
  • get professional counselling by our corporate mentors
  • familiarize yourself with the Danish job market and working culture



The activities of IDCN Copenhagen are focused around career events hosted by Corporate Members. Corporate Members agree to host one career event within every 1-2 years. IDCN events are organized throughout the year in the different locations to give partner members an opportunity to:

  • Collect useful information on how best to search for jobs in the region
  • Get visibility of job opportunities and meet with recruiters from the Corporate Members
  • Receive practical tips and guidance from Human Resources professionals on how to prepare for and organize their job search in the most effective and impactful manner
  • Share success stories, valuable experiences and challenges with other partners
  • Build meaningful relationships and networks which will help them to move ahead

Some of the previous events hosted by Corporate Members are:

  • Navigate the Networking Maze hosted by SimCorp
  • Dynamic Career Paths and Networking Event hosed by NNE
  • A Success Stories event hosted at UCPH
  • DE & I Event hosted by EY
  • AI Human Movement Project hosted by Grazper



We are a volunteer-based organisation, with partner volunteers managing events through a Partner Committee in liaison with mentors in the Steering Committee. This gives the Partner Committee members an opportunity to showcase their skills in a professional environment. We also have a Talent Management Platform - a searchable database for companies where partner members can upload their CVs and personal profiles.



If your company is interested in joining or would like to know more about what IDCN can offer, please contact us on this mail:





















